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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Machinery Spares & Parts » JALARAM MACHINERY

Products :Hose Pipe, V- Gard, Rubber Belting, Fuel Injection Equipment etc.
Contact Address : \"jalaram chembers\" ,Rajput para main Road ,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281 2228888 Cell : 94262 02494
Email : jalarammachinerystores@yahoo.com Website : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in
Company Profile : Jalaram Machinery Stores(JMS) was founded by Late Arjanbhai Virjibhai Ghedia in Jam-Khambhadia (a small village) in Jamnagar district. JMS was founded in the year of 1970 to meet the farmers need. Be it Engine Oil, Spares, Instruments related to Agricultural work, Hardware material, Bearings, Agro Pipes, Centrifugal Pumps Jalaram Machinery Stores was the one name around.

After 10 successful years of busineess second generation thought that it would be appropriate to take this business to regional level and establish stores in Rajkot City (economical center of Saurashtra - Kutch Region). The store was established with the same product range. However as the year passed by many new brands were introduced and spreaded accross the nation India with the trade name of JMS (Jalaram Machinery Stores), JTC (Jalaram Trading Company), and JM (Jalaram Marketing).
Motorpal was one of the international brand associated with them for distribution across Saurashtra-Kutch region for their fuel injection equipment channel.
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NRI Gujarati Classified