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NRI Gujarati Classified

Hotel Patang Visited : 10311
Ads Hotel Patang
Products :Pasand Restaurant , Conference Room, Room Service
Contact Address : Opp.:Boating Club  Saputara, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-02631-237251 Cell : +91-9426256661
Email : inquiry@hotelpatang.com Website : http://www.hotelpatang.com
Company Profile : Hospitality is one of the oldest professions, also one of the most demandig as it calls for a synergy of the best Location, Food, Facilities and Service.

Only when every one of it is perfect, can there be a claim of the best, in Saputara, only one Hotel can offer you all these and more.

A bit of heaven on earth there's no better way to describe Hotel Patang. Away from the din of the city life, on the beautifullake in to a word of luxury and comfort. Over looking the lake thisplace will make you surrender to the surroundings.

Telephone with STD. Cable T.V.with satellite channels, Running hot and cold water, Children's Park, Swimming Pool
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NRI Gujarati Classified