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Classified » Agriculture Industry » Srimanta Overseas Pvt. Ltd.

Srimanta Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 4706
Ads Srimanta Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
Products :We offer more than 1200 types of Wet and Dry Cylinder Liners and Air Cooled Blocks. Cars & MUVs, Commercial Vehicles Etc..
Contact Address : Plot No. 3, Survey no. 217, N.H. 8-B, Veraval (Shaper)  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 98241 45708 Cell : +91 90991 77771 Fax : +912827 252275
Email : info@srimantaliners.com Website : http://www.srimantaliners.com
Company Profile : Srimanta Overseas Pvt. Ltd. - an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company - is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Wet & Dry Type Cylinder Liners, Sleeves and Air Cooled Blocks.

The company is situated at Rajkot-Gujarat, which is the hub of auto components manufacturing in India.

It all started way back before 3 decades, when SRIMANTA group started its manufacturing activities. Beginning with modest small quantity per month.

We have proprietary process, developed in house, to produce highest quality of centrifugal casting. Our goal at Srimanta Overseas is to ensure the highest quality of our products and to attain that we follow rigorous quality assurance process. Machine shop has CNC, VMC, special purpose boring, honing, grinding and custom made lathe machines for the precise job under strict tolerance. We have invested in equipments like various special gauges, roughness tester, slip gauge, height gauge, ferro lab, metallurgical microscope and spectrometer to help our QA team do the best job. We also have a state of the art laser-marking machine to facilitate proper part marking & identification.


Our manufacturing activities are spread over 11,000 sqr. mts. of land and a shed area of more than 45,000 sq. ft.

The manufacturing unit has separate built-up units for each of the major production processes.

Foundry Divison

Induction Melting Furnace

Melting is one of the beginning prominent process of the casting. Due care is taken while melting like charge preparation as per customer material requirement. We have three 500kg. medium frequency induction furnace. Induction melting is mainly used for critical quality material requirements in chemical, physical and microstructure properties.

Production Process

Inspection of incoming raw material for getting out put of desired composition and properties by adding additives to get defect free casting

Casting of raw material in latest Induction Furnaces to provide uniform material grade

Centrifugal casting process facilitating better dense structure

Shell moulding for Air Cooled Blocks giving excellent finish

Our Machines

Rough and semi-finish machining on heavy duty Lathe Machines
Outer diameter machining on latest CNC Machines to give high accuracy in dimensional parameters, surface roughness & geometrical parameters.
Boring operation on Vertical Machining center to maintains dimension accuracy, taper, ovality and surface finish.
Honing process on Plateau Honing Machine to achieve required quality parameters like surface finish Ra, Rt, Rmax, R3z, Rp, MR1, MR2 etc. with process control indicators like Cp/Cpk.

Outer Diameter grinding of Dry Type Liners on Grinding Machines

Srimanta modern quality assurance facilities strengthen our capability to meet customer needs and expectation with a strong thurst on R&D and control systems. A team of dedicated well-experienced professionally qualified personnel operates the all the precision measuring equipments. We have adopted the Statistical Quality Control System for incoming, in process and final inspection as per Quality Management Systems to improve Quality Standard and to reduce cost by controlling non-conforming product.

In house Quality Assurance Product Audit & Inspection carried out during pre and post production
stage covering :

Chemical analysis of each Melted Cast Iron batch

Dimensional accuracy within 50 microns

Geometrical Parameters (Ovality/Perpendicularity/Taper)

Microstructure Analysis

Surface Roughness/Finish


Visual Inspection
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