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Classified » Service Providers » Paradise Group

Paradise Group Visited : 6186
Ads Paradise Group
Products :Paradise Electro Auto, Paradise Pottery Works, Paradise Impex
Contact Address : 2nd Floor, Krish Business Plaza, Panchnath main road,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 281 2461762 Cell : +91 98250 54559 Fax : +91 2751 220902
Email : info@paradisegroup.in Website : http://www.paradise-electro.com
Company Profile : We can't imagine our life without automobiles, especially two wheelers in our daily life. As our mother planet Earth is suffering from globle warming and to save our future generation we have to reduce carbon emission and use of fossil fuels. In this scenario, use of E-bike is perfect, eco-fiendly and economical solution. My E-bike is a new generation two wheeler which runs on power stored in batteries using hub motor instead of prototype engine and doesn't need any fossil fuel. The running cost of e-bike is as low as 9 paisa/Km, and overall running cost is one third compared to conventional Petrol two wheeler.

Above common e-bike features like economic, environment friendly, low maintenance, safe ride; MY E-BIKE is the biggest in Size with comfortable oversized seat and loading capacity of 150 kg gives a powerful ride that's easy to handle. Along with high power 48 V 24 Ah battery gives mileage of 70 to 100 km ride per charge makes MY E-BIKE the perfect e-bike for mega and medium size cities. MY E-BIKE models have most popular auto color, rich stylish design, electrical enhancements like multi-reflector headlights, tail light and rear reflectors, Telescopic front suspension, Heavy duty Chassis and broad tyres makes for a quiet ride. MY E-BIKE is a state of art e-bike which have unmatched technical specifications and most suitable for city transportation need.

Best suitable for

• MHigh School & College Students
• House Wives & Working Women
• Senior Citizens
• Courier-Postman, Delivery men, Field Engineers & Marketing Salesmen etc.
• Most suitable for commuting in city area.

Special Features

• My E-Bike gives ride up to 100 Kms in single charge. So overall battery life is very high compared to other E bikes.
• My E-Bike has 16" x 3" wide Tyres, hence gives smooth ride on rough roads.
• My E-bike has water resistance hub motor which have high torque for better pickup and can carry two setter load.
• My E-Bike has heavy chassis design and front hydraulic suspension, Specially designed for Indian road conditions.
• My E-Bike has auto paint with special "PLASMAROTY" coating technology graphics, which gives rich outlook for a long time.
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