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NRI Gujarati Classified

Star Designs India Visited : 2048
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Products :Graphics, Web, Animation.Etc....
Contact Address : 124 /125, Ratnasagar Apartment, Opp. State Bank of Saurashtra, Mini Bazar, Varachha Road  Surat, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 261 2564 077 Cell : +91 80008 13211
Email : chirag_solanki143@yahoo.com Website : http://www.stardesignsindia.com
Company Profile : Star Design India's mission is to provide quality, accurate, fast and customer friendly solutions for designing, printing, animation and multimedia.

Welcome to Star Designs India. We are a full fledged marketing driven creative advertising agency which flies high with two wings of graphic design and content developing and are focused on success of our clients. Our creative solution is thought provoking and deliver our client's desired message to their target audience by triggering emotional and intellectual appeal. We specialize in developing and designing right kind of promotional material and giving its quality output on print, digital and online medium. Innovation in design and presentation, and experience with a deeper insight is our USP.
The young. Experienced, talented and versatile creative designer and copyrighters brings a fresh approach and maximum return to any marketing effort, focusing on client satisfaction as a top priority.

At Star Designs India, we know how to bring your vision to life with smart, eye catching visuals that will get your products noticed. Star Designs India can assist you in your designing, copywriting, scripting, and storyboarding and producing its quality output on print or digital medium. No need to worry about design, grammar, style and final output. In addition, our creatively designed right kind of promotional sales material will help you to drive the sales forward along with the right marketing strategy. From concept to completion, we will personally work with you to create, design, produce & deliver dynamic advertising that will translate your product into increased sales and profits.

We offer following service :

Advertisements Designs, Brochures / Catalogs , Content, Copywriting, Customized, Office Stationery, Corporate Identity, E-Marketing, E-Magazines, Indoor / Outdoor Signage, Logo Design , Multimedia Presentations , Model Photography.

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NRI Gujarati Classified