Intimate Villas - Luxurious Villas & Bungalows at Kalawad Road near Mota Vada in Rajkot, Gujarat - India
Housing Loan
1. Who can apply for a home loan? 2. When can a home loan be applied for? 3. How does the lender calculate eligibility? 4. How do I repay the loan? 5. What is pre-EMI interest? 6. Is there a fixed interest rate for the duration of the loan? 7. What is a fixed rate loan? 8. What is a floating rate loan? 9. It is better to opt for a fixed or a floating interest rate? 10. Is there a difference between monthly rest & annual rest? 11. How is the interest calculated on my loan? 12. What are the other areas of expenditure before I get a home loan? 13. How do I select my HFC? 14. Can a loan be switched over if I have obtained it at a high rate of interest, but another HFC is offering a better interest rate? 15. What is the maximum amount of housing loan available? 16. What is the amount I can borrow and what are the criteria? 17. What is the period in which I will have to repay the loan? 18. How do I apply for a loan? 19. Who can be co-applicants for the housing loan? 20. What security do I have to provide? 21. Is a guarantor required? 22. Can I repay the loan before the set date of repayment? 23. Does the Agreement for Sale have to be registered? 24. Does the property have to be insured? 25. How long does it take to get my application processed and my loan sanctioned? 26. When do I have to make my share of the contribution to the purchase price of the property? 27. What do I have to do when my housing loan is sanctioned? 28. In how many installments can the loan be disbursed? 29. Do I get tax benefits on the loan? 30. Can I get a loan for extension / upgradation / renovation of my house? 31. Can I sell the property on which I have taken the loan? 32. Can I rent the property on which I have taken the loan?
Intimate Villas,
Site Location - Mota Vada, Kalawad Road, Rajkot Gujarat - India