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Home » Krishna Water Park - Rajkot

Krishna Water Park - RajkotVisited : 46307 
Krishna Water Park - Rajkot
Products :Krishna Water Park Rajkot, Hotel Krishna Park Resort, Nursery in Rajkot and Diu
Contact Address : Gondal Road, By-Pas Circle Rajkot,Gujarat
Phone : +91 0281 - 6534 542 Cell : +91 98242 84104
Email : info@hotelkrishnapark.com     Website : http://www.hotelkrishnapark.com
Company Profile : Krishna Park is Famous Group having Hotels in Rajkot and Diu, and Water Park near Rajkot.

All location of Krishna Park Group are Ideally very useful & in demand for following attractive services.

- Special Packages for Theme Wedding

- Marriage & Reception Party

- Birthday Party Celebration

- Attractive School Packages for Water Parks

- Business Events & Deal Meetings with complete Package

- Group Dinner Party - Conference etc..

Hotel Krishna Park in Rajkot and Diu have huge space and party lown for weekend and holiday enjoyment.

Krishna Water Park is a famous Water Park in Gujarat, located just few kilometers away from Rajkot.

Krishna Water Park is always first preference for people of Saurashtra.

Kindly Note contact details of various location of Krishna Park Group.

(1). Hotel Krishna Park & Nursery, RAJKOT

Mobile. + 91 98793 31733
Mobile. + 91 98242 84104
Phone. + 0281 6534 542

(2). Hotel Krishna Park - DIU

Mobile. + 91 98989 39618
Phone. + 02875 255266

(3). Krishna Water Park, RAJKOT

Mobile. + 91 98984 77747
Phone. + 0281 2784 300

Krishna Park Group
Mo. +91 98242 84104
RAJKOT, Gujarat-India
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