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Home » Neejanand Luxurious Resort in Anand Gujarat

Neejanand Luxurious Resort in Anand GujaratVisited : 49771 
Neejanand Luxurious Resort in Anand Gujarat
Products :The Ambience, Accomodation, Activity Center, Temple, Dining Hall Etc.
Contact Address : Nr.Andharia Chakla,Anand-Borsad Road, Khandhali Anand,Gujarat
Phone : +91 2692 656 810
Email : inquiry@neejanand.com     Website : http://www.neejanand.com
Company Profile : THE CONCEPT

Modern technological explosion has turned the world very small. The life has become very fast and over loaded with hectic activities. One can not afford to leg behind the pace of personal and overall development. This has made the life almost mechanical, leaving very little room to share relaxed moments with loved ones. Under such circumstances, one thinks of periodic breaks routine life, and getting rejuvenated for another hectic spell. For this one looks for a place that can nurse new spirits and pump renewed energy to equip him/her to march ahead.

Many young people have moved out of country in search of prosperity. They love to visit their motherland for brief vacations. They too look for a comfortable, dignified, hassle-free full board accommodation. When they come to Gujarat (India) they wish to make the best of each moment rather than getting entangled into laborious maintenance and house keeping of their properties, and cooking meals.

Corporate houses and academic institutions draw a number of visitors/guests who look for comfortable accommodation. People like to lodge their esteemed guests, invited for social events like marriage, in a place matching their own status and dignity.

Concept of joint family is fast diminishing. Young persons leave home for their carrier development leaving behind their parents in hometown. Cultural gap between the generations also creates Empty Nest Syndrome in the society. Such senior people need be taken care of. They too need a place that can not only provide the day to day amenities but also give them warmth and affectionate environment.

Looking into a big lacuna in the field of hospitality facilities of this kind, in Charotar area of central Gujarat (India), we thought of creating a luxurious resort, and gave a shape to our dreams. As we strive hard to provide comfortable, dignified, hassle-free full board accommodation to our guests. Here is a lively complex wherein the guests can make themselves free from worries of routine. Our devoted staff is always ready to extend its helping hand to avail the guests the comforts of acceptable level.

Neejanand is created on 12 acres of land, out of which about 80 per cent area is covered with lush green landscaped gardens. The campus muses in tune with the Nature. Ambiance gets enriched with songs of perching birds in the morning and evening. At night sky gets studded with stars, and full-moon nights are just magnificent.
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