Apne to Dhirubhai Gujarati Movie 2014 - Comedy Film Aapne to Dhirubhai
Apne to Dhirubhai is an Upcoming Gujarati Film. Apne to Dhirubhai Directed by Haritrushi and Produced by Mayur Jadeja. Haritrushi is also writer of this Film. Apne to Dhirubhai Gujarati Film is going to release on 29th August 2014. Aapne to Dhirubhai Gujarati Film is starring by Vrajesh Hirjee, Jayaka Yagnik, Bhakti Rathod, Ritesh Mobh, Ashish Bhatt, Morli Patel and Jayesh More.
Apne to Dhirubhai Gujarati Film Release Date
Apne to Dhirubhai Release Date : 29th August 2014
Apne to Dhirubhai Movie Producer : Mayur Jadeja
Apne to Dhirubhai Film Director : Haritrushi
Prodcution Banner of Apne to Dhirubhai : JMJ Motion Pictures
Shooting Locations of Apne to Dhirubhai : Rajkot and Other Areas
"Apne to Dhirubhai" Gujarati Film comes with Fully Comedy on Dhollywood screen at this Ganesh Chaturthi. Apne to Dhirubhai is a Full comedy Film based on Dhirubhai Ambani's life. "Aapne to Dhirubhai" is a Modern Gujarati Film 2014.
Apne to Dhirubhai Movie is surely going to Hit Gujarati Film Industry Market to Next Level, as this is the first time Real Gujarati Businessmen Based Story is going to cast in this Upcoming Gujarati Movie Apne to Dhirubhai going to Release across Gujarat on 29th August 2014.

Apne to Dhirubhai Full Gujarati Movie is going to be very interesting as leading Gujarat based Comedian Vrjesh Hirjii is playing role of Dhirubhai. Once Apne to Dhirubhai Movie Released in Gujarat Cinemas and Multiplexes then only we can say that what’s the difference between “Apna Dhirubhai” and Reliance Founder Gujarati Businessman “Dhirubhai Ambani”.
Apne to Dhirubhai Movie Trailer is already out from last month, and received very good response from public across Gujarat and among NRI Community. We have already receive mail from one UK Situated Nri Gujarati Family to arrange Original CD DVD in International Courier to Watch Gujarati Movie Apne to Dhirubhai with Full Family, if possible as earliest ! ! !
Aapne to Dhirubhai Film is based on Collegian who will think them to be as rich as Dhirubhai Ambani and Imitates of him in which they Creates Multiple Business Blunders, shows here lots of Comedy in this Gujarati Film. Apne to Dhirubhai is released in short time at Dhollywood Industry. you can also check another Related Post of AAPNE TO DHIRUBHAI Upcoming Comedy Gujarati Movie.
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Bhakti Rathod Gujarati Actress - Vrajesh Hirjee in Aapne To Dhirubhai
Apne To Dhirubhai Movie Poster - Jayaka Yagnik Gujarati Actress
Aapne To Dhirubhai Official Trailer - Aapne To Dhirubhai Star Cast
Aapne To Dhirubhai Ahmedabad Press Conference
Aapne To Dhirubhai SHOWTIMES