Rajkot Engineering Association Promoting BRAND RAJKOT through THE BIG SHOW RAJKOT 2014
The Rajkot Engineering Association will be organising an international trade exhibition The Big Show Rajkot in the Rajkot city to allow Small and medium enterprises(SMEs) to showcase and market their products. The Big Show Rajkot will be organized in November 2014.
By developing ‘Brand Rajkot,’ REA aims to provide SME holder in Rajkot a bigger platform. Currently, engineering industries in Rajkot are not doing well because of the slowdown in the economy and the rise in price of raw materials over the past year.
Kindly check Fact and Figure Targeted for Upcoming Trade Fair / Industrial Exhibition “THE BIG SHOW RAJKOT 2014”
Industrial Exhibition Name - “THE BIG SHOW RAJKOT 2014”
DATE of Exhibition - 23rd to 26th November-2014
Trade Fair VENUE - Race Course Ground, Rajkot (Gujarat - INDIA)

Rajkot Engineering Association will invite national and international delegations to participate in the exhibition The Big Show to be organised in November this year to promote 'Brand Rajkot'. Top officials of auto, plastics, machine tools, submersible pumps and other sectors are expected to participate in the Big Show Rajkot.
Rajkot city and district has so many industries. Rajkot industries have some of the best skills but they don't know how to market them. REA will help them in building brands and after the Big Show Rajkot exhibition, REA plans to launch a web portal named 'Brand Rajkot'. The portal will contain all details about the Rajkot engineering industry.
According to the REA, there are nearly 25,000 industrial units in Rajkot district, 98 per cent of which are micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). They do not knowe actually about customer retention and this is the what they are missing. The customer retention and creation can be done through branding of ‘Brand Rajkot’.
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