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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Product Manufacturers » Shree Mahalaxmi Ind.

Shree Mahalaxmi Ind. Visited : 2307
Ads Shree Mahalaxmi Ind.
Products :Manufacture of Plastic Consumble Mould, PET Perform, PET Blow Moulds.
Contact Address : Techno Industrial Estate, B/h. Wonder Point, Nr. Bharvi Tower, Nation Highway No.8, C.T.M., Amrawadi  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-79-25857054 Cell : +91-94281 13312
Email : shreemahalaxmiind@yahoo.in Website : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in
Company Profile : Shree Mahalaxmi Ind.

1. Manufacture of Plastic Consumble Mould

2. PET Perform

3. PET Blow Moulds

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NRI Gujarati Classified