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Classified » Ceramics & Tiles » Face Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.

Face Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 6045
Ads Face Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.
Products :Manufacturer of Luster Wall Tiles.
Contact Address : Lakhadhirpur Road, 8-A National Highway,  Morbi, Gujarat India
Phone : 2822-240028, 240724, Cell : 9879606214
Email : rg_face@yahoo.com Website : http://www.faceceramic.com
Company Profile : Today, The era of new generation wants drastic changes to convert the Traditional art into the Modern glint. They wants to turn Bathroom into Glamour Room, Walls into Architecture Calligraphy, Bedroom into the Reflection of expressions & attitude and Halls & Kitchens into Jeweler of roof. Ceramic Tiles is the medium that has turned out these illusions into the reality.

Mr. Rajubhai Patel, Director "Face Ceramic Pvt. Ltd.", is conscious of the fact that building a Quality Product or Service & building a Quality Perception is two different things. "Face Ceramic Pvt. Ltd." started its journey in Millennium Year and has almost tripled its production in just four years with latest technology & understanding the market scenario of the Ceramic Industries. Today market is very competitive with quality and price conscious. We are continuously doing best effort to give artistic designs to our loyal customer with very competitive range.
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NRI Gujarati Classified