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Classified » Association and Groups » RAJKOT MACHINE TOOLS - Rajkot

RAJKOT MACHINE TOOLS - Rajkot Visited : 6109
Products :Technology Up gradation Program, Participation in Exhibitions, International Exhibitions
Contact Address : 44 - Shivananda Complex, Dhebar Road,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281 2238708
Email : mtmarajkot@gmail.com Website : http://www.mtmarajkot.org
Company Profile : Machine Tools Manufacturers Association was founded in the year 1983 by Shri Ramnikbhai Sejpal, one of the leading businessman of Rajkot with rather a strange objective of getting Ball Bearing quote from \SKF Bearing company to ensure adequate supply of bearings at reasonable prices to its members and to protect them from spurious supplies.

During its formatives years, association had rather a limited membership with only 25/30 manufacturers joining the organization.

With the passage of time, the Association undertook other common activities such as taxation problems, Power problems etc. and slowly started its membership drive.

But come 1991-92 which proved a turning point in the history of the Association with a new dynamic team assuming charge of its activities. With the arrival of this new team on the horizon, membership grew vertically and now it has reached a respectable figure of 150+ which ix a very remarkable achievement.

Not only it expanded its membership but it also acquired its own office premises in the heart of business district of Rajkot on main Dhebar Road without any external financial assistance or donations shearly on its own strength through internal accruals arising out of skillful handling of bearing trading.

In year 1996 the Association undertook a major project to publish a Directory of its members to give its members wide publicity for their products both in the Domestic and international markets. Rajkot machine tools industry though participates in major national and international trade fairs and exhibitions regularly, still lacks the type of exposure it really needs for its products.

With this background in view, the Association is compiling this publication to highlight the products of its members and distribute it to leading Machine tool dealers, distributors, user industries as well as to Exporters and Chambers of Commerce, Cosulates etc.

There are also plan to publish and a Bulletin regularly giving information on technical and commercial aspects of the trade, in local vernacular language for convenience of its members.

The Association has adopted a board based policy so far its membership programme is concerned by inviting members from other towns in surashtra like Jamnagar/ Jam Khambhaliya / Surendranagar / Bhavnagar etc.

To conduct its affairs effectively, the association has adopted Committee approach and has formed various Committees like : Bearing Committee - Membership Committee - Transport Committee - Library Committee - Bulletin Committee - Taxation Committee.

In the years to come, the Association is planning to play a major role in the development of Regional Machine Tools industry and turning itself into one of the Prominent organization on National level.
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