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Classified » Ceramics & Tiles » Asian Granito India Ltd. - Ahmedabad

Asian Granito India Ltd. - Ahmedabad Visited : 7077
Ads Asian Granito India Ltd. - Ahmedabad
Products :Ceramic Wall Tiles, Ceramic Floor Tiles, Aquart, Marble and Stone etc.,
Contact Address : 202, Dev Arc, Opp. Iskon Temple, S. G. Highway  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-79-66125500/799/ Fax : +91-79-66125600/700
Email : info@asiangranito.com Website : http://www.asiangranito.com
Company Profile : Result of the dreams of three entrepreneurs, materialized with the grassroots of passion, experience & dynamism… With starting a quest for excellence a decade ago, today Asian tiles has blazed a trail in the tile industry. With humble beginning in the field of floor tiles, today it has expanded till the horizon, covering almost each of the aspects of the industry. Supported by vast man power along with mind power, Asian Tiles possesses the strength of over 4000 business associates spread across the nation. Asian is all set to reach the goal of supplying world class product, through a network of 18 depots with display centers & ultra modern plant in the ceramic zone of Sabarkantha, Gujarat, spread over an area of 2,30,000 Sq. Mtr. and production capacity of five plants is 36800 Sq. Mtr. Per day.
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