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Nri Gujarati
Kendriya Vidhyalaya AFS Naliya Recruitment 2015 Visited:2021  
Nri Gujarati

Kendriya Vidhyalaya AFS Naliya Recruitment 2015

Posts : Teacher, Computer Instructor, Sports Coach, Music Teacher, Vocational Instructors (Dance/Art/Music/Craft) Counselor, Doctor and Nurse to be employed purely on contractual day to day basis for the academic session 2015-16. PGTs (English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Political, Science (Part-time) and Computer Science/I.P) TGTs (English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Art education and Sport Coach) and PRTs.

Interested Candidates are invited to present themselves for an interview along with their Original Testimonials and a set of Xerox Copies of their Certificates. Candidates shall also bring with them hteir passport-size photographs. No TA & DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Interview Date : 6th April 2015

Time ----------: 09.30 AM

For more Details Visit :

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    Posted Date : 06 Apr, 2015 
Nri Gujarati   Nri Gujarati