Nal Sarovar Route - Distance from Ahmedabad
People who want to go Nal Sarovar in and around area to visit in vacation time period, they must know about distance between home town and tourist place to manage whole journey.
People who want to go for visit Nal Sarovar from Ahmedabad; they must know distance and route from Ahmedabad to Nal Sarovar
Nal Sarovar Distance from Ahmedabad is = about 75 Kms.
Nal Sarovar Route from Ahmedabad is 75 kilometers. Total Travel Time from Ahmedabad to Nal Sarovar is approximately 1 Hour 40 Minutes.
Total Travel Time from Ahmedabad to Nal Sarovar Place = Approx 1 Hour and 40 Minutes.
To reach Nal Sarovar from Ahmedabad is very easy by calculate distance and travel time as per above. People can go to Nal Sarovar by self drive also. Road from Ahmedabad is safe for self drive or people can hire car or any vehicle to reach Nal Sarovar from Ahmedabad.